Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Beach {Day 1}

The long awaited moment arrived this time last week - VACATION!

This year was the first time I can remember Jamie & I waiting this late for vacation. And, let me tell you - it was much needed! We were ready to "get out of Dodge" as they say. We had planned this trip back in April-ish (?) with my sister, Paige, and her family. Then at last minute had to do some swapping of dates and condos ... but it came! And went by way too quick {why to work weeks creep by and vacations just fly?} I was about ready to just tell them to hop in the car & drive - we would worry about the clothes and other necessities when we arrived at the BEACH!

We had planned on going to Destin, but with the swapping of condos ended up in Panama City. We stayed at Sterling Breeze which was right on the beach on the main stretch of highway. It was nice condo, with plenty of room for Tripp to ride his toys and Ellie and Jaxon to have their own space as well. We left early Sunday morning and drove down arriving around 3:00 or so that afternoon. We unpacked and laid around for a little bit, or as much as the kids would let us. The dads ended up taking them to the beach while Paige & I unloaded the houses we brought with us :) That evening, we went to eat at Tacky Jacks, a cool place that the kids loved. They had a live band playing outside as well as a small pool that you could enjoy after your meal. The kids were a little upset they didn't have their swimsuits on to enjoy it.

The next day, it was a full day of beach fun! There seems to be nothing better than the sand between your toes, looking out across seeing nothing but water and hearing the crashing of the waves on the shoreline. The water wasn't that clear because of seaweed, but that didn't hinder Ellie & Jaxon from jumping waves and venturing off in it. Tripp loved it as well, but of course he loves anything having to do with water.

Tripp did a whole lot of drinking and eating. Running back and forth between the edge of the water and the beach uses up a lot of energy for the little guy.

Ellie and Jaxon alternated beach time and pool time. We decided by the end of the trip that all they require is a pool and place to play putt-putt.

That evening we had planned to go to a local eatery called "Boondocks". We were told by the condo staff it was a great place that locals loved and would have limited waiting. Apparently, the staff had not only passed along their recommendation to us, but others as well. A 1.5 hour wait?! No thanks. So we ended up breaking Jeffery's rule of "only eat at places we don't have back home" and went to Carrabba's, which he justified as not being in Jackson. Ha!

After eating the guys along with Ellie (the caddy) went to play a Par-3 golf course, while Paige, Tripp & I went shopping at Pier Park. Then we all meet back up for some go-cart racing, which Ellie totally freaked out on. I was just arriving to find she & Jamie standing outside the gates with her hysterical. They were on the carts ready for the green light when she decided she was really scared. Needless to say, they had to exit because Jamie thought she was about to hyperventilate. We really don't know what caused this reaction in her - the loud noise?

Once back at the condo, crab hunting was in order. All in all it was a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures--so glad that you all had a great time! The late vacations are such a tease...we're not going for three more weeks and I AM DYING! Miss you guys!
