Sunday, July 17, 2011

Run Squirrel Run

As you know I have been participating in local 5k road races. Our weekend of the 4th of July began with not only me participating in another, but several from our church, New Salem! It was a hometown road race in Kenton during the White Squirrel Celebrations. Our little group of ladies temporarily omitted the "kid/hubby free; girl time only" rule and let some of the kiddos participate as well. We have a few rules or guidelines we up hold (1) no kids (2) no hubands (3) race must have a free t-shirt involved. So. much. fun! Our group, totaling 12 from New Salem, walked away with 4 medals!

It was also our last road race with the best encourager, Lisa. She and her family will be moving to Oklahoma in a few weeks (so sad). I have really gotten to know Lisa and her family through our Hands of Praise group. She is a super sweet person and a great example of Christian love. Oh, and it doesn't hurt she always has a supply of hand sanitizer somewhere within arm's reach. I am truely going to miss them, but hopefully, in the near future, they will be able to return to West TN!

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