Sunday, December 12, 2010


{Disclaimer: I am playing catch-up w/ blog posts. There may be an overwhelming amount of posts that may cause dizziness, headaches, or multiple views. Please seek medical attention should you feel light headed or any other abnormal health conditions during viewing.}
Our nephew, Jaxon, turned 7!
Wow! The year he was born was one of the hardest years for our family, but when he was born in Dec 2003 the beginning of some new, happier times to come. And, he certainly hasn't disappointed us. We love you Jaxon!
For his party, he decided to have a bowling party - yahoo! It was a lot of fun to watch the kiddos literally throw the heavy bowling balls in a baseball style manner. This was Ellie's 1st time bowling & she had a lot of fun. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have Pappy setting you up for strikes either!
Our side of the group did really good for 1st timers. Of course they had the device that they could put the ball on & push it off & the bumpers were up. But perhaps the most fun was waiting for the bowls to come back in the return - the kids thought it was magic & were amazed!

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