Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A December to Remember

We are still recouping from the hustle & bustle of Christmas. We had a wonderful and blessed Christmas time full of family, friends, gifts, and of course food. Oh, the food. I took around 800 photos for December (what?!) with my new super duper Canon Rebel camera (love), but I posted several to recap our festivities.
Christmas morning - Santa & I cook Christmas breakfast for our parents. A tradition I started when Ellie was 1 year old. And Santa left her new trampoline in the shop b/c it was sooo cold. Yes, those are my outdoor wreaths in the background that I didn't get put up.
Ellie roller skated for the 1st time @ her Babysitter's Christmas party. She did really well.
Ellie received an adorable tu-tu (Thanks Courtney - she loves it!) Yes, we had Christmas in a garage. Jamie's side of the family has gotten so large that his grandparents have to close in the garage for Christmas. Ellie's reaction when she sees Santa. Yep, she must have been on the "naughty list" a few times this year w/ that reaction.

It was a "Pillow Pet" Christmas (Thanks MeMe & Pepaw). That is Julia, our niece.

We ate a Christmas staple - Hummingbird Cake (Thanks "Auntie") Ellie received a new scooter - which she has been whizzing all over the house on (Thanks Gran)

And, Jamie finally made a decent picture - yes, he has me in a headlock-ha!
All & All we had a blessed Christmas ... now to reclaim my home from the Christmas havoc!

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