Sunday, December 12, 2010

Knee Slapping, Loud Chackling, Laughing until your Eyes Water Night of Fun

That is probably the longest title ever! Friday night I hosted the ladies of the office at my home for a Christmas Party! On the agenda :
Starving yourself all day, so you can stuff your face on the yummy finger foods
eating 2 helpings of food
Team Christmas Trivia fun
Replaying Christmas movies in your head to come up w/ answers
Friendly Competition
Renaming the Christmas Song to 'Deck the Flippin' Halls'
Going back to eat more Cookie bars, Oreo cheese ball, or something sweet
Having to now eat something salty to get the sweet taste out of mouth
DIRTY SANTA! (my chosen gift got stolen 3x!)
Learning what is in every one's purse by playing the 'purse game'
Oddest purse item: Kitchen Knife Sharpener!
Not leaving until 8:30
Having good times & great memories!
I am one lucky girl to work w/ a great office group!
Note: most pictures were taken when lots of laughing was occurring, hence the closed eyes and funny looking faces :)

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