Today is Hub's Birthday - Happy #32 Birthday!
Today is only Wednesday - but so much has happened this week for it to only be Wednesday.
The wonderful winter weather we received Sunday has caused a little heart-ache for us.
The water froze on Sunday night = no water for Monday morning = going to the in-law's home to get ready for work.
The Hubs, my dad & his granddad saved the day & got it fixed - no problem.
The dog's leg is broken (I may or may not have accidentally ran over it while I was on vacation)- $60 later she has a cast to chew on.
The electricity went out for approx. 2 hrs on Monday night right at bedtime.
The night-time books were read by a camp lantern.
The house feels pretty cold, pretty fast when you have no central heat.
Tuesday night = little water pressure on Wednesday morning - humm...
The well is not frozen, but we do have a busted pipe - Yippee!
The call has been placed for the plumber - hopefully he will make a service call tonight (I'll even feed him supper!)
Tomorrow is Thursday - let's hope/pray/beg for a day w/o incidents.
The weatherman is calling for winter weather - so I doubt Thursday will be uneventful.
That is a post of our week so far & did I mention it was only Wednesday!
{This post is not complaining or whining - life, as much as I love it, happens all at once at times. I am very blessed to have the life I live and am thankful for even busted pipes :)}
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